Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Renaissance (MI) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated consists of the Executive Board and all Facet and Committee Chairs. This body acts as the governing entity of the chapter. Meeting once a month, this committee:
Discusses all issues relating to the chapter’s programming, events, structure and fundraising;
Sets the agenda for upcoming monthly meetings; and
Makes all recommendations and addressed issues discussed at meetings for chapter voting purposes.
2023 – 2025 Executive Committee Members*
Stephanie Jones
Vice President – Membership:
Tiffany Albert
Program Chair:
Wendy Lewis-Jackson
Lenora Hardy-Foster
Recording Secretary:
Kishna Tarver
Financial Secretary:
Kimberly Stafford
Cheryl Hudson
Corresponding Secretary:
Angela Anderson
Immediate Past President:
Linda Little
Health and Human Services Facet Chair:
Jehan Crump-Gibson
Arts Facet Chair:
Terrie Hylton
Rituals Committee Chair:
Sherry Griffin
Ethics Committee Chair:
Brittany Merritt
National Trends Facet Chair:
Tonya Adair, Co-chair
Jacqueline Howard, Co-chair
International Trends Facet Chairs:
Kamilia Landrum, Co-chair
C’Ardiss Gardner Glesser, Co-chair
By Laws Committee Chair:
Denise Langford Morris
Communications Committee Chair:
Jehan Crump-Gibson
Services to Youth Facet Chairs:
Wendy Jackson, Co-chair
Patricia Uddyback, Co-chair
Protocol Committee Chair:
Sherry Griffin
Archives Committee Chair:
Jeanette Abraham