Health and Human Services


Extensive planning with the American Heart Association of Southeast Michigan team, facet chairs, and chapter leadership has occurred to develop integrated strategies and activities that drive the Healthy to the C.O.R.E umbrella programming. We targeted activities to address needs for Wayne county residents from childhood (elementary school age) to senior citizens. “Health is the greatest of all possessions” (Isaac Bickerstaff). Health is central to the vitality of a community.  Stressors affecting the Black community have a profound impact on the health of its people. 

Building on our platform for Working on Women over the past 7 years, we are expanding our focus to include umbrella programming to promote a community that is Healthy to the C.O.R.E (Creating Opportunities for Relevant Enlightenment).  While continuing to work on very important issues and signature programs, as directed by our National Organization, the Renaissance Chapter of the Links, Incorporated will integrate a focus to build a culture of health in Wayne county, where Detroit resides. In 2017, Wayne county is ranked number 83 of 83 counties in the state of Michigan in overall health, according to the National County Health Rankings report sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ( The county has 1.76 million residents (Detroit has nearly 700,000), a median household income of $41,557 (Detroit is $26,095), and poverty rate of 25% (Detroit is 40%).  Because Detroit is the largest city in Wayne county by far and our main service area, we chose to focus our efforts around improving the health of Wayne County. To accomplish this, we have partnered with the American Heart Association (a national Links partner) to execute and deliver accretive solutions to benefit the community we serve.

  • Heart Links to Health – We have partnered with the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women to increase awareness of cardiac disease and its prevalence among African American women. Through the program, we educate and encourage women—both chapter members and Greater Detroit area-residents—to learn the signs, schedule regular doctors’ visits and make healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Walk for Healthy Living – In collaboration with the American Heart Association, the Renaissance Chapter is promoting the My Life Check Program to encourage being active, improving nutritional choices, losing weight, controlling cholesterol, managing blood pressure, reducing blood sugar and putting an end to smoking.

  • Linkages to Life – Linkages to Life is an organ, tissue and bone marrow donation program, and includes our participation in “Be The Match” and the National Organ Tissue Registration Program.

  • National Childhood Obesity – With a generous $25,000 grant from Art Van Furniture, we have partnered with the National Kidney Foundation to promote the “Healthy Kids and Kidneys” program, which provides education and tools to metro-Detroit children through partnerships with area schools and volunteers. The program promotes lifestyle changes through healthy eating habits and physical activity.

  • Supported COVID-19 Testing – During the peak of the pandemic in high-risk Detroit neighborhoods, in partnership with Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) and Wayne State University.

  • Delivered COVID-19 Health Kits – to Detroit District 2 residents.

  • Food Distribution – Assisted with distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables to Detroit District 2 residents.